Executing queries via REST API on the Broker

The Pinot REST API can be accessed by invoking POST operation witha a JSON body containing the parameter pql to the /query URI endpoint on a broker. Depending on the type of query, the results can take different shapes. The examples below use curl.


curl -X POST -d '{"pql":"select count(*) from flights"}' http://localhost:8099/query


Aggregation with grouping

curl -X POST -d '{"pql":"select count(*) from flights group by Carrier"}' http://localhost:8099/query



curl -X POST -d '{"pql":"select * from flights limit 3"}' http://localhost:8099/query



The Pinot client API is similar to JDBC, although there are some differences, due to how Pinot behaves. For example, a query with multiple aggregation function will return one result set per aggregation function, as they are computed in parallel.

Connections to Pinot are created using the ConnectionFactory class’ utility methods to create connections to a Pinot cluster given a Zookeeper URL, a Java Properties object or a list of broker addresses to connect to.

Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.fromZookeeper

Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.fromProperties("demo.properties");

Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.fromHostList
  ("some-server:1234", "some-other-server:1234", ...);

Queries can be sent directly to the Pinot cluster using the Connection.execute(java.lang.String) and Connection.executeAsync(java.lang.String) methods of Connection.

ResultSetGroup resultSetGroup = connection.execute("select * from foo...");
Future<ResultSetGroup> futureResultSetGroup = connection.executeAsync
  ("select * from foo...");

Queries can also use a PreparedStatement to escape query parameters:

PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement
  ("select * from foo where a = ?");
statement.setString(1, "bar");

ResultSetGroup resultSetGroup = statement.execute();
Future<ResultSetGroup> futureResultSetGroup = statement.executeAsync();

In the case of a selection query, results can be obtained with the various get methods in the first ResultSet, obtained through the getResultSet(int) method:

ResultSet resultSet = connection.execute
  ("select foo, bar from baz where quux = 'quuux'").getResultSet(0);

for (int i = 0; i < resultSet.getRowCount(); ++i) {
  System.out.println("foo: " + resultSet.getString(i, 0));
  System.out.println("bar: " + resultSet.getInt(i, 1));


In the case of aggregation, each aggregation function is within its own ResultSet:

ResultSetGroup resultSetGroup = connection.execute("select count(*) from foo");

ResultSet resultSet = resultSetGroup.getResultSet(0);
System.out.println("Number of records: " + resultSet.getInt(0));

There can be more than one ResultSet, each of which can contain multiple results grouped by a group key.

ResultSetGroup resultSetGroup = connection.execute
    ("select min(foo), max(foo) from bar group by baz");

System.out.println("Number of result groups:" +
    resultSetGroup.getResultSetCount(); // 2, min(foo) and max(foo)

ResultSet minResultSet = resultSetGroup.getResultSet(0);
for(int i = 0; i < minResultSet.length(); ++i) {
    System.out.println("Minimum foo for " + minResultSet.getGroupKeyString(i, 1) +
        ": " + minResultSet.getInt(i));

ResultSet maxResultSet = resultSetGroup.getResultSet(1);
for(int i = 0; i < maxResultSet.length(); ++i) {
    System.out.println("Maximum foo for " + maxResultSet.getGroupKeyString(i, 1) +
        ": " + maxResultSet.getInt(i));
