
A. List of all supported detection rules:

1.  Percentage Rule (type: PERCENTAGE_RULE)

Compares current time series to a baseline, if the percentage change is above a certain threshold, detect it as an anomaly.


- detection:
    - name: detection_rule_1
        offset: wo1w
        percentageChange: 0.1
        pattern: UP_OR_DOWN


param description default value supported values
offset the baseline time series to compare with. wo1w * hoXh hour-over-hour data points with a lag of X hours * doXd day-over-day data points with a lag of X days * woXw week-over-week data points with a lag of X weeks * moXm month-over-month data points with a lag of X months * meanXU average of data points from the the past X units (hour, day, month, week), with a lag of 1 unit) * medianXU median of data points from the the past X units (hour, day, month, week), with a lag of 1 unit) * minXU minimum of data points from the the past X units (hour, day, month, week), with a lag of 1 unit) * maxXU maximum of data points from the the past X units (hour, day, month, week), with a lag of 1 unit)
percentageChange The percentage threshold. If the percentage change is above this threshold, detect it as an anomaly. NaN

double values

NaN means no threshold set.

pattern Detect as an anomaly if the metric drop, rise or both directions. UP_OR_DOWN

UP: detect as an anomaly only if the current time series is above the baseline.

DOWN: detect as an anomaly only if the current time series is below the baseline.

UP_OR_DOWN: detect as an anomaly in both directions

2. Threshold Rule (type: THRESHOLD)

If metric is above the max threshold or below the min threshold, detect is as an anomaly.


- detection:
    - name: detection_rule_1
      type: THRESHOLD
        max: 1000
        min: NaN


params description default value supported values
max If the metric goes above this value, detect is as an anomaly. NaN

double values

NaN means no threshold set.

min If the metric goes above below value, detect is as an anomaly. NaN

double values

NaN means no threshold set.

3.  Holt-Winters Algorithm (type: HOLT_WINTERS_RULE)

Holt-Winters Algorithm is a commonly used statistic forecasting algorithm for anomaly detection.

This algorithm performs very well for daily data and monthly data.

For hourly data and minutely data, please trial and error more patiently with duration filters and percentage filters.

Minimal configuration (for any granularity):

- detection:
    - name: detection_rule_1
        sensitivity: 6 # Detection sensitivity scale from 0 - 10, mapping z-score from 1 to 3.
        pattern: UP_OR_DOWN # Alert when value goes up or down by the configured threshold. (Values supported - UP, DOWN, UP_OR_DOWN)

Optional Parameters:

param description default value supported values
sensitivity Detection sensitivity scale from 0 - 10, mapping z-score from 1 to 3. 5 any double in [0, 10]
pattern Detect as an anomaly if the metric drop, rise or both directions. UP_OR_DOWN UP, DOWN, UP_OR_DOWN
alpha level smoothing factor Optimized by BOBYQA optimizer to minimize error any double in [0, 1]
beta trend smoothing factor Optimized by BOBYQA optimizer to minimize error any double in [0, 1]
gamma seasonal smoothing factor Optimized by BOBYQA optimizer to minimize error any double in [0, 1]
period seasonality period, default 7 for daily, hourly and minutely data. For monthly data, set it to 12. For non-seasonal data, set it to 1. 7 Any positive interger
smoothing For smoothing of hourly and minutely data to reduce noise true true or false

4. Absolute change Rule (Type: ABSOLUTE_CHANGE_RULE)

Compares current time series to a baseline, if the absolute change is above a certain threshold, detect it as an anomaly.


- detection:
    - name: detection_rule_1
        offset: wo1w
        absoluteChange: 100
        pattern: UP_OR_DOWN


param description default value supported values
offset the baseline time series to compare with. wo1w * hoXh hour-over-hour data points with a lag of X hours * doXd day-over-day data points with a lag of X days * woXw week-over-week data points with a lag of X weeks * moXm month-over-month data points with a lag of X months * meanXU average of data points from the the past X units (hour, day, month, week), with a lag of 1 unit) * medianXU median of data points from the the past X units (hour, day, month, week), with a lag of 1 unit) * minXU minimum of data points from the the past X units (hour, day, month, week), with a lag of 1 unit) * maxXU maximum of data points from the the past X units (hour, day, month, week), with a lag of 1 unit)
absoluteChange The absolute change threshold. If the absolute change when compared to the baseline is above this threshold, detect it as an anomaly. NaN

double values

NaN means no threshold set.

pattern Detect as an anomaly if the metric drop, rise or both directions. UP_OR_DOWN

UP: detect as an anomaly only if the current time series is above the baseline.

DOWN: detect as an anomaly only if the current time series is below the baseline.

UP_OR_DOWN: detect as an anomaly in both directions

B. List of all supported filter rules


1. Percentage change anomaly filter (type: PERCENTAGE_CHANGE_FILTER)

Filter the anomaly if compared to the baseline, percentage change is below a certain threshold.


  - name: filter_rule_1
      threshold: 0.1 # filter out all changes less than 10%


params description default value supported values
threshold The percentage threshold. If the percentage change is below this threshold, filter the anomaly. NaN

double values

NaN means no threshold set.

offset The baseline timeseries used to calculate the baseline value. The default baseline used in detection algorithm.
hoXh hour-over-hour data points with a lag of X hours
doXd day-over-day data points with a lag of X days
woXw week-over-week data points with a lag of X weeks
moXm month-over-month data points with a lag of X months
meanXU average of data points from the the past X units (hour, day, month, week), with a lag of 1 unit)
medianXU median of data points from the the past X units (hour, day, month, week), with a lag of 1 unit)
minXU minimum of data points from the the past X units (hour, day, month, week), with a lag of 1 unit)
maxXU maximum of data points from the the past X units (hour, day, month, week), with a lag of 1 unit)

If this value is not set, it will use the default baseline. E.g, if the detection uses PERCENTAGE_RULE and offset is wo1w then the baseline is last week’s value. If the detection type is ALGORITHM then the baseline is generated by algorithm.

pattern Keep as an anomaly if the metric drop, rise or both directions. UP_OR_DOWN

UP: Keep the anomaly only if the current value is above the baseline and passes the threshold.

DOWN: Keep the anomaly only if the current value is below the baseline and passes the threshold.

UP_OR_DOWN: Keep the anomaly if it passes the threshold regardless of metric moving to which directions


2. Site wide impact anomaly filter (Type: SITEWIDE_IMPACT_FILTER)

Filter the anomaly if its site wide impact is below a certain threshold.

How site wide impact is calculated?

SWI = (currentValue of the anomaly - baselineValue of the anomaly) / (current value of the site wide metric in the anomaly range)


In the following example, we are setting up an anomaly detection pipeline for all the possible platforms (such as ios, android, windows, etc) in the US. We use the percentage rule to detect the anomaly, if the metric compared to median over 4 weeks value is up or down 1%, and the site-wide impact for the anomaly is larger than 1%, we say this is an anomaly.

For example, an anomaly is detected in iOS platform , the anomaly happens 2pm to 3pm. The site wide impact is calculated by: Taking the the total number of sign ups on iOS in U.S. between 2 to 3 pm, minus the week over week baseline value between 2 to 3 pm and then divided the current signup value of U.S. among all platforms.

detectionName: swi_monitor
metric: signups
dataset: registration_metrics_v2_additive
- detection:
    - name: detection_rule1
        offset: median4w
        percentageChange: 0.01
     name: filter_rule_1
        threshold: 0.01
        pattern: up_or_down
        offset: wo1w
        sitewideMetricName: signups
        sitewideCollection: registration_metrics_v2_additive


params description default value supported values & descriptions
threshold The percentage threshold. If the percentage change is below this threshold, filter the anomaly. NaN

double values

NaN means no threshold set.

pattern Keep as an anomaly if the metric drop, rise or both directions. UP_OR_DOWN

UP: Keep the anomaly only if the current value is above the baseline and passes the threshold.

DOWN: Keep the anomaly only if the current value is below the baseline and passes the threshold.

UP_OR_DOWN: Keep the anomaly if it passes the threshold regardless of metric moving to which directions

sitewideMetricName The metric to calculate the site wide baseline value By default, use the same metric as the anomaly without the dimension filters. All metric names in ThirdEye.
sitewideCollection The metric to calculate the site wide baseline value By default, use the same metric as the anomaly without the dimension filters.

The dataset name for the site wide metric. The

sitewideCollection must be configured together with the


filters The dimension filter for the site wide metric By default, use the same metric as the anomaly without the dimension filters.

See Dimension filter to configure the filters for site wide metric. This filters must be configured together with the


offset The baseline time series used to calculate the baseline value. Use the baseline value generated in detection for the anomaly. hoXh hour-over-hour data points with a lag of X hours * doXd day-over-day data points with a lag of X days * woXw week-over-week data points with a lag of X weeks * moXm month-over-month data points with a lag of X months * meanXU average of data points from the the past X units (hour, day, month, week), with a lag of 1 unit) * medianXU median of data points from the the past X units (hour, day, month, week), with a lag of 1 unit) * minXU minimum of data points from the the past X units (hour, day, month, week), with a lag of 1 unit) * maxXU maximum of data points from the the past X units (hour, day, month, week), with a lag of 1 unit)

3. Threshold-based anomaly filter (Type: THRESHOLD_RULE_FILTER)

Filter the anomaly if the metric current value in the anomaly time duration is outside of the allowed range.

For example:

Filter the anomaly, if the anomaly current value per hour is less than 1000 or larger than 2000, filter the anomaly.

    - name: filter_rule_1
        minValueHourly: 1000
        maxValueHourly: 2000


params description default value supported values
minValueHourly The minimum value allowed for an anomaly on an hourly bases. If the current value per hour in the anomaly duration is less than this value, filter the anomaly. NaN

double values

NaN means no threshold set.

maxValueHourly The maximum value allowed for an anomaly on an hourly bases. If the current value per hour in the anomaly duration is larger than this value, filter the anomaly. NaN

double values

NaN means no threshold set.

minValueDaily The minimum value allowed for an anomaly on a daily bases. If the current value per day in the anomaly duration is less than this value, filter the anomaly. NaN

double values

NaN means no threshold set.

maxValueDaily The maximum value allowed for an anomaly on a daily bases. If the current value per day in the anomaly duration is larger than this value, filter the anomaly. NaN

double values

NaN means no threshold set.

4. Anomaly duration filter (Type: DURATION_FILTER)

Filter the anomalies based on the anomaly duration.


params description default value supported values
minDuration The minimum duration allowed for an anomaly. If the anomaly’s duration is less than this value, filter the anomaly. null

String representation of Java duration.

See examples here:

maxDuration The maximum duration allowed for an anomaly. If the anomaly’s duration is larger than this value, filter the anomaly. null String representation of Java duration

For example:

Filter the anomaly, if the anomaly duration is less than 15 minutes.

    - name: filter_rule_1
        minDuration: PT15M

Please override the default merge configs in the YAML if the duration filter is set. Otherwise, it might have side effects.

  maxGap: 0  # prevent potential anomaly duration extension

.._filter-absolutechange 5. Absolute change anomaly filter (Type: ABSOLUTE_CHANGE_FILTER) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 Check if the anomaly’s absolute change compared to baseline is above the threshold If not, filters the anomaly.


    - name: filter_rule_1
        threshold: 0.1 # filter out all changes less than 10%


params description default value supported values
threshold The percentage threshold. If the percentage change is below this threshold, filter the anomaly. NaN

double values

NaN means no threshold set.

offset The baseline timeseries used to calculate the baseline value. The default baseline used in detection algorithm.
hoXh hour-over-hour data points with a lag of X hours
doXd day-over-day data points with a lag of X days
woXw week-over-week data points with a lag of X weeks
moXm month-over-month data points with a lag of X months
meanXU average of data points from the the past X units (hour, day, month, week), with a lag of 1 unit)
medianXU median of data points from the the past X units (hour, day, month, week), with a lag of 1 unit)
minXU minimum of data points from the the past X units (hour, day, month, week), with a lag of 1 unit)
maxXU maximum of data points from the the past X units (hour, day, month, week), with a lag of 1 unit)

If this value is not set, it will use the default baseline. E.g, if the detection uses PERCENTAGE_RULE and offset is wo1w then the baseline is last week’s value. If the detection type is ALGORITHM then the baseline is generated by algorithm.

pattern Keep as an anomaly if the metric drop, rise or both directions. UP_OR_DOWN

UP: Keep the anomaly only if the current value is above the baseline and passes the threshold.

DOWN: Keep the anomaly only if the current value is below the baseline and passes the threshold.

UP_OR_DOWN: Keep the anomaly if it passes the threshold regardless of metric moving to which directions

C. List of all supported Subscription group Types

1. Default Alerter (type: DEFAULT_ALERTER_PIPELINE)

The default notification type which lets you to configure a set of recipients and sends anomaly notification to all of them.


2. Dimension Alerter (type: DIMENSION_ALERTER_PIPELINE)

This gives you the ability to alert different people/group/team based on the dimension values. This is a special notification type which sends the anomaly email to a set of unconditional and another set of conditional recipients, based on the value of a specified anomaly dimension.

dimension: app_name
  - ""
  - ""