Quick Start

ThirdEye supports an interactive demo mode for the analysis dashboard. These steps will guide you to get stepsarted.

1: Prerequisites

You’ll need Java 8+, Maven 3.6+, and NPM 3.10+

2: Build ThirdEye

git clone https://github.com/apache/incubator-pinot.git
cd incubator-pinot/thirdeye
chmod +x install.sh run-frontend.sh run-backend.sh reset.sh

Note: The build of thirdeye-frontend may take several minutes

3: Run frontend


4: Start an analysis

Point your favorite browser to


Note: ThirdEye in demo mode will accept any credentials

You will find the root cause analysis page like below:


5: Have fun

Available metrics in demo mode are:

  • business::puchases
  • business::revenue
  • tracking::adImpressions
  • tracking::pageViews

Note: These metrics are regenerated randomly every time you launch ThirdEye in demo mode

We also have 2 real world metric with seasonality in H2 database, for detection experimentation:

  • H2::daily (From: https://www.kaggle.com/marklvl/bike-sharing-dataset)
  • H2::hourly (From: https://www.kaggle.com/robikscube/hourly-energy-consumption)

6: Run detection preview

A detection preview let you see how the detection configuration performs on past data.

Copy the following into the detection configuration:

detectionName: name_of_the_detection

description: If this alert fires then it means so-and-so and check so-and-so for irregularities

metric: value

dataset: H2.H2.daily

- detection:
    - name: detection_rule_1
        sensitivity: 8

Click Run Preview button, the anomalies will be detected. Then you can play around with different time frames.

You will find the alert preview page like below:


If you want to preview the hourly data, just change dataset: H2.H2.daily to dataset: H2.H2.hourly, and rerun the preview.

If you want to setup in production, you need to see Configuration and Alert Setup.

7: Shutdown

You can stop the ThirdEye dashboard server anytime by pressing Ctrl + C in the terminal