Getting Started

This document will help you set up ThirdEye(abbreviated as ‘TE’) with an external MySQL persistence layer. It will also demonstrate how to plugin your own datasets from custom datasources.


You’ll need Java 8+, Maven 3.6+, and NPM 3.10+


On MacOS, Java 8 is the recommended version. Higher versions of JDK including Java 9 and Java 14 are known to have issues.

Building ThirdEye from source

Simply clone the repo and build using the set of commands below.

git clone
cd incubator-pinot/thirdeye
chmod +x


The build of thirdeye-frontend may take several minutes


ThirdEye is extremely flexible in terms of storage and working with different persistence layers and data sources. In this document, we’ll set it up using MySQL as the main persistence layer.

By default, ThirdEye assumes ./config as the main config directory relative to the current working dir. The configurations use the YAML file format.

MySQL Persistence


This section assumes that you have a running MySQL server available with admin privileges.

Step 1. Create a Database for ThirdEye

-- Create DB
CREATE DATABASE thirdeye_test
  DEFAULT COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;

Step 2. Setup users with appropriate privileges.

This assumes that you have an admin user and an app user. The app user is more restrictive in terms of its privileges. You can also create a single user to do all operations.

-- Create admin user
CREATE USER 'uthirdeyeadmin'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'pass';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON thirdeye_test.* TO 'uthirdeyeadmin'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION;

-- Create app user
CREATE USER 'uthirdeye'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'pass';
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, EXECUTE ON thirdeye_test.* TO 'uthirdeye'@'%';

Step 3. Create the tables in the ThirdEye Database

Login to your MySQL database and run the script below.

mysql -h localhost -u uthirdeye thirdeye_test -p < thirdeye-pinot/src/main/resources/schema/create-schema.sql

Step 4. Update the persistence config file

ThirdEye stores it’s persistence config in the file below.


For demo purposes, TE uses an in memory H2 db by default. To use MySQL, change the file contents with the one shown below.

  # Assuming a local MySQL server running on the default port 3306
  url: jdbc:mysql://localhost/thirdeye_test?autoReconnect=true
  user: uthirdeye
  password: pass
  driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

All set! ThirdEye is now configured to use MySQL as the persistence layer.

Running ThirdEye

You can use the command below to run ThirdEye assuming your working dir to be ./thirdeye



You can stop the ThirdEye dashboard server anytime by pressing Ctrl+C in the terminal

Creating an Application

See Application. We’ll be using this application when creating alerts.

Setting up Alerts

You can set up alerts and do root cause analysis on this application. See more at Alert Setup.