
0: Prerequisites

Run through the Quick Start guide and shut down the frontend server process.

1: Update the data sources configuration

Add your MySQL database URL and credentials in thirdeye-pinot/config/datasources/data-sources-config.yml. You will be able to add multiple databases with multiple credentials, as follows:

  - className: org.apache.pinot.thirdeye.datasource.sql.SqlThirdEyeDataSource
        - db:
            <dbname1>: jdbc:presto://<db url1>
            <dbname2>: jdbc:presto://<db url2>
          user: <username>
          password: <password>
         - db:
            <dbname3>: jdbc:presto://<db url3>
            <dbname4>: jdbc:presto://<db url4>
          user: <username2>
          password: <password2>

Note: the dbname here is an arbitrary name that you want to name it. In dburl, you still need to include the specific database you are using.

2: Run ThirdEye frontend


3: Import metric from Presto

See Import metric from Presto/MySQL.

4: Start an analysis

Point your favorite browser to


and type any data set or metric name (fragment) in the search box. Auto-complete will now list the names of matching metrics. Select any metric to start an investigation.